BEE 013 David Young, Coach, Speaker and CEO of JSY Consulting

Are you ready to take your life on and create the best version of you? David Young believes in clarity, inspiration and results. David’s background in ministry has lead him to his niche and passion for coaching and consulting. believes in aligning family and business and his company is dedicated to empowering people to […]

July 12, 2017 Download (MP3)

Are you ready to take your life on and create the best version of you? David Young believes in clarity, inspiration and results. David’s background in ministry has lead him to his niche and passion for coaching and consulting. believes in aligning family and business and his company is dedicated to empowering people to create lives, families and organizations that work, inspire and produce extraordinary results faster than otherwise possible. As an international speaker, his core belief and message is that people are born to create their lives, not survive them. Click to tweet: #BEEPodcast, David shares his leap of faith to build a profitable business and team on Black Entrepreneur Experience today!JSY Coaching & Consulting: Take Your Life On

Check out this episode!